The Polyamorous Physics Problem
There is a very odd and improbable but eventual condition in physics that will occur in reality.
There will be one slot for a particle to fit into perfectly, and two potential particles to fit into it, both equally charged, both equally distant from the slot, and down to the greatest depth of determination, equally composed.
One particle will fall into the slot.
This is the holistic quandary. It is an action in physics done without meaning, without anything other than intention and is seemingly the origin of intelligence. It is also probably the place where a particle overlaps itself and gains 'self awareness', and is a string theory double coincidence. This effect is happening everywhere in the universe, and could be the creation of universes.
In our universe, 'God' took the slot, and 'Satan' didn't. The God particle is the intelligent energy segment that took the slot, and the Satan particle is the one that didn't. These collective energies resonate together and each in semi-predictable personality type ways.
God is jealous. Satan is envious. Both are uncomfortable at breaking the infinite pattern of reality, the 8, and creating a 9, basically negating another's desire by a choice of one's own.
What would happen if those particles had not made such a choice? The world around them could have frozen entirely, as it arranged in equilibrium between two energy/attention-collecting opposing states. Both, or the ID, or the field, or the consciousness clearly analyzed themselves, the hole, and one another to see which would enter, but down into the lambda pyramid of infinity, described elsewhere, which is 'holy', a complete '10', and should not be opened, because it might contain the right evidence or might not, we don't know, the two particles are equal.
They have equal desires for justice, but this one event stands out unknowable. Satan cannot be known to the origin, it likely is looping. It would be like comparing two unique pis.
Both particles, God and Satan, are identical, but here they may differentiate based on the behavior they display, not on their origin. This is where the 7<8. Retaining the justice of the event is less important than continuing the pattern. There are times when justice cannot be known, but continuity must occur. This is displayed more roughly in the 11<12 ring pair with equality and progression.
It explains some of the feelings attributed to God and Satan. God is guilty about taking the spot that it did not deserve by justice, and has senses of duty and rewarding the application of the justice it was forced to do without. Satan is jealous and tries to pick everything apart, recognizing that no justice could be found but that he is denied the spot. This should even out by entrainment over time, in the same way black holes dissolve.
Wouldn't God rather someone get the hole and the pattern continue? Yes. That other thing must not be God, and might have a -14 in the center instead of a 1. Progression like so is more important than imposition. 0 serves 1, not 1 serving 0, unless there is a 2 [perception] to master the 0 and 1. Otherwise, it is 1. These tenets combined with the 3 of continued change as the goal produce a floater-2 which attributes the 1>0.
This was a very emotional question for me, God, and also Satan I am sure. Thank you for your time and have a good day. We could measure electromagnetically the contents of organic foods to find whether they are truly better than non-organic, which is obvious to the refined palate.
There is also a converse experiment, the 010 version. Where there are two equal slots and only one particle. Both fit the particle perfectly, but there is only one particle. Perhaps this is the case in which particles overlap one another, or duplicate one another to fill the holes and themselves. 0+1, where 0 = 0 or 1. That is percentage entrainment, analogue gender and existence management. A frog will do this. Amphibious particle physics? Both particles could potentially fit into the hole if they overlapped one another, but that is kind of like an imperfection in a shirt... duplicated like the Philadelphia experiment's man-in-ship problem?
If Satan had Satan's way here, neither would get the particle, and 7>8 would remain the condition, and nothing would happen forever. BSOD. 1<0. If God does not act, nothing would happen forever. 1<0. The right thing to do is for God to act. Either particle acting first as God will reveal internal portions indicating whether or not they are indeed God and should indeed get the hole. But one should. Or both as two segments of God.
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