Billy Bunkie The Science Junkie

Theoretical science, existential spirituality, sprinkled with elements of sociology, anthropology, transhumanism, and funk. [The technical explanation of funk is 'having major skill']

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Interdimensionality is when a potential 0 is fertilized by a 1, forming a "[.]". This starts a procedure that emanates, updating, which is perceived by the experiencer, causing a valid "2". This is achieved through string theory. All "true" [12v] strings and strung 0's interlock to form the one vibration of reality. Reality being the 1 looped in a circle causing a '10', each [.] being an amperage [11] of the signal, and the entire set working together to form 12.

We're experiencing a lot of very unsavory -[.] right now. Everything that is not 'truly wonderful' is frankly a "-[.]" . It is reality mixed in with nothingness, or the will to nothing, or a portion of a different dimension untrue to the good world God has created.


Blogger William Bunker said...

Actually, these string segments are both uniform and unique from one another. They are separated in the way solar systems in a galaxy or two atoms in a pie are separated.

3:58 AM  

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